Obsessive-Compulsive Disorde

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and repetitive, ritualized behaviors you feel compelled to perform. If you have OCD, you probably recognize that your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are irrational-but even so, you feel unable to resist them and break free.
Like a needle getting stuck on an old record, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) causes the brain to get stuck on a particular thought or urge. For example, you may check the stove twenty times to make sure it's really turned off, wash your hands until they're scrubbed raw, or drive around for hours to make sure that the bump you heard while driving wasn't a person you ran over.


It is fourth most common mental disorder. OCD may affect children, adolescent as well as adults. One in 60 adults all over world has OCD.

Causative factors

  • Hereditary - OCD in family. Genetic factors form major cause of OCD, which at times may not be clearly understood.
  • Environmental factors - Abuse, illness, death of loved ones, etc.
  • rain disease - Tissue changes in brain (temporal lobe lesions, low level of neurotransmitters) may cause OCD
  • Personality factors - Person with Obsessive traits or lack of confidence may suffer from it.

Symptoms of OCD:

  • Obsession (thoughts)
  • Hand washing or bathing
  • Checking latches
  • Arranging and rearranging things
  • No interaction with society
  • Continuous praying and preaching
  • Excessive sexual activities
  • Praying and worshipping
  • Fear of dirt or contamination by germs
  • Fear of thieves
  • Need for order, symmetry or exactness
  • Fear of being embarrassed
  • Fear of thinking evil or sinful thoughts
  • Intrusive sexually explicit or violent thoughts and images
  • Excessive focus on religious or moral ideas

OCD afflicts about 3.3 million adults and about 1 million children and adolescents. The disorder usually first appears in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood. It occurs about equally in men and women and affects people of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds. OCD will not go away by itself, so it is important to seek treatment. The most effective approach to treating OCD combines medications with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to teach people with OCD to confront their fears and reduce anxiety without performing the ritual behaviors (called exposure therapy or exposure and response prevention therapy). Therapy also focuses on reducing the exaggerated or catastrophic thinking that often occurs in people with OCD.

Medication therapy:

Antidepressants in conventional medicines.


Homeopathic therapy is remarkably effective in rebalancing the patient's mental, emotional, and physical well being, allowing the behaviors of OCD to abate over time. Homeopathic medicines can be used very successfully to treat anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, will influence your moods and assist you in breaching your habits and stop your compulsive behavior. They have also shown impressive results in helping OCD patients think about themselves as a confident person rather than a person with OCD. Homeopathic treatment is the most curative, non-toxic, gentle and modern treatment. In view of the fact that it works with the person's own vital force towards equilibrium and healing, it will influence the brain chemistry and assist the patient in resuming psychological strength and symmetry.


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World Cancer Day

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Date: 14th March, 2014:
World Kidney Day

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